News Release
For Immediate Release:  June 26, 2018
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078

PA Statewide Leader to Speak at Press Event in Front of US Supreme Court Building

(Harrisburg) – Diane Gramley, President of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), will take part in a press event in front of the US Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC today.  The purpose of the event is to focus a light on the harm that has been done to the nation in the three years since the highest court in the land unconstitutionally legalized so-called same-sex marriage through judicial fiat.

Her comments are as follows:

“Three years ago on this day the majority of Justices inside this building chose to hand down an unconstitutional ruling – ignoring existing law and creating new law, which the US Constitution specifically forbids.  Marriage has been under attack for decades, but the Supreme Court decision extending the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples completes the attack.  Real natural marriage can never include same-sex couples; it is an oxymoronic phrase.

Marriage is and always will be as God defined it and any decision by the United States Supreme Court to redefine it is irrelevant.

The Obergefell decision was an unjust decision and one which merits disdain by the American people.  Over 51 million Americans voted in thirty-one states by an average of 60% to defend natural marriage.  All those voters were ignored by the US Supreme Court who allowed approximately three percent of the population dictate what the rest of the country does.

The Supreme Court does not have the right to redefine marriage and to use the Fourteenth Amendment to do so is laughable.   It was written to extend equal rights to freed slaves after the Civil War.  Sodomy was illegal in all the states at the writing of the Fourteenth Amendment, thus was never intended to legalize so-called same-sex marriage.

To redefine marriage is above the pay grade of these nine justices, but the justices supporting the redefinition are trying to play God and the nation is suffering under this unconstitutional ruling.   We’ve seen Christian bakers, florists, photographers, wedding gown makers, and others with deeply held religious beliefs that marriage is only between one man and one woman face fines, threats, harassment and even lose of their business.  In Pennsylvania the WW Bridal Boutique in Bloomsburg closed its doors on March 31st because its owners believe marriage is only between one man and one woman and have faced unrelenting harassment from homosexual activists for over two years.  Philadelphia has shut down Bethany Christian Services and Catholic Social Services because they will not place vulnerable children in homes with same-sex couples.  Children in public schools are being taught the lie that so-called same-sex marriage is equal to marriage between one man and one woman.  This leads to confusion among America’s children.

Even as the 1857 Supreme Court made a bad ruling in the Dred Scott decision, which was later overturned, we pray the same will happen here.  Obergefell must go!”

The AFA of PA is a statewide organization that advocates for the natural family and seeks to educate on the attacks against the natural family and natural marriage.

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