January 16, 2019


Thank Second Lady Pence and This School


Second Lady Karen Pence is being lambasted for returning to teach art at a Christian school in northern Virginia, where she had taught for a dozen years when her husband was a Congressman.  Mrs. Pence will teach twice a week, but the issue is not that her teaching will take away from her responsibilities as Second Lady, but that Immanuel Christian School adheres to the Biblical definition of sexuality and expects their employees to adhere to Scripture also.  They must sign the school’s “Articles of Employment,” which include  “I will maintain a lifestyle based on biblical standards of moral conduct. Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites, and sexual abuse or improprieties toward minors as defined by Scripture and federal or state law.”   Homosexual activists and their friends in the mainstream media are livid.

As we have noted before, in today’s world too many schools which claim to be Christian do not adhere to Scripture, but have been influenced by culture.  Emmanuel Christian School is one that still gets it.

Action Steps

  1.  Thank Second Lady Pence for her decision to go back to teaching and for her work with children through art therapy.
  2. Thank Immanuel Christian School for continuing to adhere to Biblical principles on sexuality.  You can call them at 703-941-1220 or email at