News From Around PA

1.) PA forced to remove 21,000 dead voters from rolls

2.) “Gay” man sues Philadelphia Parking Authority claiming his firing was discrimination

3.) Fairness in Women’s Sports Act is introduced in Harrisburg and the Left goes berserk!

4.) Drag Queen Bingo to be held at the Erie Zem Zem Shrine Club on April 10th.

News From National Scene

1.) South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem’s executive order prohibiting boys in girls’ sports has no teeth.

2.) According to a recent Rasmussen poll, seventy-five percent support voter ID.

3.) West Virginia wants applicants for driver’s license to have a choice in whether they register to vote or not– the ACLU says this restricts votingrights!

4.) In support of African-Americans, Major League Baseball moves All-Star game from Atlanta, which has a 51 percent black population, to Denver, which has a 9 percent black population!

5.) Arkansas legislature overrides governor’s veto of bill banning “medical treatment” for gender-confused minors.

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