February 18, 2011

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)      FYI

a.)    Planned Parenthood

b.)    Obamacare

c.)    FCC

d.)   EPA

2.)    War on Illegal Pornography


1.)    FYI – The Roll Call votes from today are not yet posted, but here are the numbers

a.)    Thank you to all who called your Congressman yesterday and today about Planned Parenthood funding.  Congressman Mike Pence’s Amendment 11 to HR 1 – the amendment to defund Planned Parenthood – passed this afternoon by a 240-185 vote with strong bi-partisan support.

b.)    An amendment to block funding for Obamacare passed today by a 239-187 vote.

c.)    Yesterday by a 244-181 tally, Republicans voted to block the Federal Communications Commission from enforcing new rules that prohibit broadband providers from interfering with Internet traffic on their networks —  blocking network neutrality.

d.)   Yesterday on a 250-177 vote,  the Environmental Protection Agency will be stopped from imposing limits on mercury pollution from cement factories.  Implementation of these new rules would send American jobs overseas, where air quality standards are more lax or non-existent.  Today a proposal by Texas Republican Ted Poe to strip the Environmental Protection Agency of its authority to issue regulations on global warming passed by a 249-177 vote.

2.)     It has been fifteen years since there’s been a concerted effort to rein in the flow of illegal adult pornography in this country.  Too many people just believe that child pornography is illegal, but that is NOT what the law says!  Success in this War on Illegal Pornography is very possible if you help.    It is time to make a major effort against pornography! The AFA of PA is part of a coalition of over 60 national and state pro-family/pro-decency groups that is encouraging Attorney General Eric Holder to vigorously prosecute obscene adult pornography. Currently a letter from Sen. Orrin Hatch (R, UT) and U.S. House Representatives Mike McIntyre (D. NC) and Randy Forbes (R. VA) addressed to Attorney General Eric Holder requests that he begin vigorously prosecuting major producers and distributors of illegal adult pornography.  Senator Hatch and Representatives McIntyre and Forbes are circulating these letters now to all Members of Congress urging them to co-sign with them.  They need your help as a voter to get your senators and house member to co-sign these letters to Attorney General Holder.  Currently NOT ONE Pennsylvania Congressman or Senator has signed onto the letter!

Action Steps

1.) Check the Roll Call for the FCC and EPA votes and contact your Congressman to let them know what you think of his or her vote.  Click here for contact information for your Congressman.  The new Congressional/Senatorial Scorecards will be up on our website by Monday.

2.) A perfect time to ask your Congressman and PA’s two US Senators to sign onto the letter to Eric Holder — Congress will be home in their district offices the week of February 21st.  If possible, set up an appointment to meet with your Congressman and Senators Casey and Toomey or one of their staff members in the district office nearest you during next week’s break and ask for their signature on the Holder letter.  If an appointment is impossible, then please print off three copies of this one page hand out and drop off this information at the Congressional and Senatorial district offices nearest you and ask your Congressman and Senators Casey and Toomey to sign onto their respective letter to Attorney General Holder.  If you can’t hand deliver the information sheet, then please slip a personal note in with the info sheet and mail it to the district offices nearest you.