August 9, 2011


Meet with your US Congressman and/or Senator Casey or Toomey


Your Congressman and Senators Casey and Toomey are back in their home districts before returning to Washington in September. Consider making an appointment to meet with them in the district office closest to you.  Here are a few things to discuss (a.) the federal debt/spending cuts (a Daily Mail article describes our national debt this way:  “President Ronald Reagan once famously said that a stack of $1,000 bills equivalent to the U.S. government’s debt would be about 67 miles high.  That was 1981. Since then, the national debt has climbed to $14.3 trillion. In $1,000 bills, it would now be more than 900 miles tall.  In $5 bills, the pile would reach three-quarters of the way to the moon.”) (b.) the lie that is being ignored as our military will be forced to permit homosexuals to serve openly beginning September 20  The homosexual group Servicemembers Legal Defense Network wants a military non-discrimination policy passed to protect homosexuals, bisexuals AND transgenders from discrimination.   (c.) the Air Force banning a class on the Christian-based “Just War Theory” because the class used verses from the Bible.  “Just War Theory” has been a part of Western civilization since the days of St. Augustine in the 5th century A.D. It uses the abiding standards of the Word of God to help members of the military determine when the use of lethal force against an enemy of this country is morally legitimate and helps them to know how to use that force in a morally just way.  The class was a requirement for nuclear missile officers who might be called on by the U.S. president to push the launch button. Vandenberg Air Force base received complaints from secular humanists and immediately suspended the class rather than fight their outrageous demands!

Action Steps

Click here for information about your Congressman’s contact information  and here for Senators Bob Casey and Pat Toomey  .   For more information about the ramifications of repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, click here for my interview with Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt.