News Release
For Immediate Release:  September 20, 2011
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Homosexuals in the Military -‘Dignity and Respect’ for all, Except Those Who Don’t Agree

(Harrisburg) —   Today marks the end of a policy which has stood since before America became a nation.  A ban on homosexuals serving in the military did not start in 1993  ; it has stood since when General George Washington was our military’s commanding officer.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), an advocate for a strong military, is appalled that the concerns of our military are simply swept under the rug in the name of political correctness.   Even more appalling is that a Pennsylvania Congressman led this attack on the military’s unit cohesion and readiness.

“This evening former Congressman Patrick Murphy will join Philadelphia homosexual activists in their celebration of undermining the greatest military in the world.  The event is organized by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network – you know the group who wants President Obama to issue an executive order prohibiting discrimination and harassment in the armed forces on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.  The goal of these activists is not just to serve in the military; it is to change the military into something we will not recognize.  Dignity and  respect – what a joke!  Patrick Murphy refers to those who don’t agree with him as bigots and haters,” remarked Diane Gramley, President of the AFA of PA.

Additionally, on August 11th the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN) sent a  three-page demand letter  to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta asking him, among other things,  to extend military housing and other benefits to the same-sex partners of homosexual service members and also wants approval to distribute a homosexual advocacy magazine called OutServe on military bases.  How can a homosexual advocacy magazine create unit cohesion, good order and discipline?    The Defense of Marriage Act defines marriage as only between one man and one woman and that remains in effect whether the Obama Administration, the US Navy or SLDN like it or not.

“Most communiqués  from the Pentagon contain the words ‘dignity and respect’ when dealing with the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,’ yet will dignity and respect be shown to those who believe homosexuality is wrong?  In May three US Army colonels stationed in South Korea were reprimanded because it was believed they were sneering at  homosexuals through a skit they performed.  In April the Office of the Chief of Navy Chaplains sent a letter to Chaplains and Religious Program Specialists indicating that they were permitted to officiate at same-sex marriages in states where it is legal and that base facilities could be used!  After Congressional outrage, they backstepped.    This raises several questions: Would Chaplains be permitted to preach that homosexuality is sin?  Would Chaplains be forced to affirm homosexuality in counseling sessions?  Forced to give marriage counseling to a ‘married’ same-sex couple?  In addition to undermining the military, there will be a loss of religious freedom in the United States military with the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” predicted Gramley.

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