News Release
For Immediate Release:  May 10, 2012
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

The Danger of Passing a Weak Marriage Protection Amendment – Colorado fails to pass civil unions bill, Governor calls for special session

(Harrisburg)  In 2006 a majority of Colorado voters approved an amendment to their state’s constitution which banned same-sex “marriage.”  However, it was a weak one part amendment which did not ban civil unions.  This is the second legislative session in a row with attempts to legalize civil unions, thus working around the intentions of the voters in 2006.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has warned about the dangers of these weak one part amendments which only protect the word “marriage.”

“Colorado is but the latest example outlining the dangers of passing a weak amendment.  Colorado voters wanted to protect one man one woman marriage, but they were misled to believe the 2006 amendment would do just that.  Unfortunately, their amendment simply protects the word ‘marriage’ and nothing more,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Homosexual activists in Colorado and their Democratic allies will not give up until they have civil unions.  Another unfortunate element in this story is the number of Republicans who have jumped off the cliff with Democrats and support the legalization of civil unions.

Civil unions, which in most cases give all the rights and privileges of natural marriage, have been used as a stepping stone to same-sex marriage in Vermont, Connecticut, and New Jersey homosexuals are pushing for same-sex “marriage” saying their civil union law makes them “second class citizens.”

Granting “civil unions,” like legalizing “gay marriage,” would also put government and society officially on the side of an anti-Christian worldview–a travesty for a nation founded on Biblical principles.

“The Colorado State House has failed to pass a civil unions bill.  Governor Hickenlooper is not pleased and has called for a special session costing taxpayers $23,500 a day.  He has indicated civil unions will be one of the issues addressed during the session.  The Governor has his priorities mixed up — he’s sending the taxpayers a bill to destroy marriage!  Hopefully the taxpayers are taking notes and will remember during the next election cycle!” Gramley concluded.

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