March 5, 2013


Governor Corbett May Cave on Medicaid Expansion


More GOP governors who originally said “NO” to Medicaid expansion are bowing under pressure from the administration and opening the door to Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion in their state.

Governor Tom Corbett has now said he will be meeting with the federal government to continuing discussing Medicaid Expansion.  He has been under increased pressure from those wanting to expand it — including some Republican lawmakers who have introduced bills for expansion.  These include House Human Services Committee Chairman Gene DiGirolamo, Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Jake Corman and Senate Health and Welfare Committee Chairwoman Pat Vance. Here are a few problems with expansion:

— Under Obamacare Medicaid would be expanded to include Pennsylvanians with up to  138% of the federal poverty level; Medicaid costs are
already spiraling out of control -30 cents of every tax dollar spent in Harrisburg is spent on Medicaid.
— In 2001 three Pennsylvanians were working for every one receiving Medicaid assistance; that number is now down to two working for every
one obtaining Medicaid
— The cost of Medicaid expansion would be an additional $5 billion over eight years. We have promises from President Obama that the federal
government will help cover the costs, but can a government that is $16 trillion in debt with another $80 in unfunded mandates be depended
upon for financial relief?

Action Steps

Will Governor Corbett cave like some other GOP governors have since the deadline has passed?  Contact the governor and tell him to stay with his original decision not to expand Medicaid.  Such a decision would be economically disastrous to Pennsylvania.

You can call the Governor’s Office at 717-787-2500 and/or the Regional Office nearest you, find the number here.

Email using the contact form here.

Or email directly