July 28, 2010


Lancaster County Commissioners Meeting

—  Did you know Lancaster County was a suburb of Philadelphia?


The Lancaster County Commissioners will be meeting Thursday July 29th at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the possible elimination of the Lancaster County Human Relations Commission.  This move is to help save the county $470,000 annually.  Homosexual activists have united to ‘save’ the Commission and also to ask the County Commissioners to add ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ to the list of protected classes in the county.  Additionally the Lancaster City Council met Tuesday night and passed a resolution asking the Commissioners to save the Human Relations Commission AND to add the additional language.   (NOTE:  Lancaster City already has the expanded language.)

If Lancaster County residents don’t want this – it doesn’t matter according to Philadelphia homosexual activists.  The Philadelphia Gay News reports, “Ted Martin, executive director of Equality Pennsylvania; said involvement from across the state, including Philadelphia, is needed to demonstrate to the commissioners the wide-ranging impact the elimination of the panel could have.

“Philadelphia is part of the state just like everybody else. When a county as large as Lancaster, a county as important as Lancaster, and a county that’s rapidly becoming a suburb of Philadelphia, does something like this, it affects everybody. It sets a precedent and sends a message that everyone should be concerned about.”

On Saturday in Lancaster homosexual activists held one rally in support of the commission and the expanded language.  Another one is planned a couple hours before the 7:00 p.m. meeting on Thursday.

Here are some problems with adding this language:

1.)     Boy Scouts could be prohibited from using county facilities and parks for meetings and activities because of their ban on homosexual leaders and members.

2.)    Men who believe they are women would be permitted to use the women’s restroom and locker/shower rooms at public pools.  To ask them to use the men’s room would be discriminatory and against the law.  Here’s an example from Cleveland and one from Philadelphia.

3.)    Day cares would have to hire homosexuals and sexually confused individuals (transgenders)

4.)    Churches would be forced to hire homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders for non-ministerial positions like custodian and maintenance man.

Action Steps

Homosexual activists including Stephen Glassman, chairman of the PA Human Relations Commission, will be out in force to fight the elimination of this commission.  Do you think saving the county $470,000 a year is a good idea?  Do you think the commissioners should add ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ to the county human relations ordinance?  Please consider addressing the commissioners and expressing your concerns.

From the County’s website:

The Board of Commissioners’ public hearing to discuss the repealing of County  Ordinance No. 64 which created the Lancaster County Human Relations Commission . . . has been rescheduled for  Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lancaster County Government Center,   Room 102-104, 150 North Queen Street Annex, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Public participation is invited.

Call the Commissioners’ office for information about participating – 717 299-8300.