Synopsis: Currently a co-sponsorship memo is being circulated in the PA Inne-of-the-Abingtons-450x306House for HB 300. This bill would add “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” to the PA Human Relations Act which impacts employment, housing and public accommodation. Passage of such a bill would force Christian bakers, florists and photographers to celebrate same-sex ‘weddings’ or face a fine. Such has already happened in other states!


January 28, 2015


Ask Your State Rep Not to Co-sponsor This Bill!


Liberal Democrat Dan Frankel (Allegheny County) and liberal Republican Chris Ross ( Delaware County) are circulating a co-sponsorship memo to resurrect HB 300 which would add “sexual orientation or gender identity or expression” to the PA Human Relations Act which impacts employment, housing and public accommodation.

Their memo notes that the bill has support of 70% of Pennsylvanians. This is based on a two year old survey conducted by Pittsburgh firm CivicScience for Equality Pennsylvania, the Commonwealth’s largest homosexual lobby group. The questions asked in the survey did NOT include “Do you believe men who think they are women should be permitted to use the women’s restroom” or “Should a Christian wedding boutique be forced to make wedding dresses for a lesbian couple or should a Christian baker be forced to bake a cake for a homosexual “wedding?” If those specific questions were asked the outcome of the survey would have been quite different.

Click here for more info and to take action.