August 30, 2016


Weigh in on Bill Forcing Employers to Open Their Women’s Bathroom Doors to Men


The Senate Labor  & Industry Committee is holding a hearing on SB 1306 TODAY in the North Office Building in Harrisburg!  However, Senator Lisa Baker, Chairman of the committee, has opened comments to all Pennsylvanians rather than the few that it would be limited to by the time constraints of a committee hearing. Would you consider submitting a comment?  See below for several talking points that could be incorporated into your comments.

SB 1306 is one of the three bills that Senator Patrick Browne split SB 974 into on June 10th.  SB 1306 concentrates on the employment aspect and would add “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression” to the PA Human Relations Act as it deals with employment.   It would impact every employer in Pennsylvania with four or more employees; although there is an effort in another bill to change the definition of ’employer’ in the PA Human Relations Act to businesses which employee one!

Since last year, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been pumped into Pennsylvania to try to get these homosexual special rights bills passed.  Money from the DC-based homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign, the ACLU and the American Unity Fund have freely flowed into PA to bolster the funding of PA-based homosexual groups.  That money helped them canvass the state and target businesses with (I believe) misleading information about these bills — all for the purpose of gaining the support of businesses for these bills.   (Note:  They are special rights bills because protections that would be extended are based upon the behavior of the individual, not upon immutable/unchangeable characteristics.)

Check out the Complete Alphabetical Listing of Businesses The AFA of PA has listed the businesses alphabetically by city/town.   Note the number of colleges and universities, as well as the number of chambers of commerce!!   In recent years the US Chamber of Commerce has become an outspoken supporter of homosexual special rights.

What businesses in your area have pledged support for these bills?  Perhaps you should contact them to let them know the real impact passage of these bills will have upon their business!   Here are a couple ways these businesses would be impacted (and probably weren’t told by the homosexual activists who approached them seeking support for these bills):

1.)  They would be required to allow men who think they are women to dress as women in the workplace.

2.)  They would be required to allow men who think they are women to use the women’s restroom, etc.

Click here for Talking Points and other action items.