Blog Post – Sexually Confused Students Now Run the SchoolsGavin Grimm

They said all they wanted was “marriage equality.”  However, ever since the June 2015 US Supreme Court decision which unconstitutionally legalized so-called “gay marriage,” we’ve seen increased attacks on Christians who understand God’s definition of marriage as only between one man and one woman.  Additionally, we’ve seen ever increasing attempts to eradicate the line between male and female as the transgender juggernaut marches on.  And who’s in their crosshairs?  Impressionable children and teens are their primary targets.

Stories of children as young as three or four identifying as the opposite sex have circulated for years, but we see an increased number of such children.  As transgender activists and their allies, such as President Obama and his administration, seek to normalize transgenderism, we will see an increased number of impressionable children say they were “born in the wrong body.”  But according to the DSM-V, as many as 98 percent of gender confused boys and 88 percent of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.  Doctors prescribing puberty blocking meds to prevent the natural maturation of children are irreversible.  Yes, these children are being used in a great social experiment.

Johns Hopkins Hospital  was a pioneer in sex reassignment surgeries.  It no longer performs such operations, as studies showed the surgeries did not solve the psychological issues experienced by those who underwent the surgeries.  Dr. Paul R. McHugh,  the hospital’s former psychiatrist-in-chief and current distinguished service professor of psychiatry, has noted in the past that, as even the left-leaning APA reluctantly acknowledges, transgenderism is a “mental disorder” and that the idea of a “sex change” is “biologically impossible.”   However, the state of New York apparently did not read any of Dr. McHugh’s works because New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has instructed that state’s  Department of Health to propose a new rule that would allow transgender people under the age of 18 to use Medicaid for hormone treatments

Since Obama’s Departments of Justice and Education issued their “Dear Colleague” letter to all public schools in the nation, sexually confused students have asked schools to add ‘gender identity’ to school board policies or to pass entirely new Gender Expansive/Transgender (GET) Policies.  Too many times school solicitors, apparently not educated on what Title IX really says or the inability of a president to legally redefine the word ‘sex’ in it, have advised schools to make those changes.  Only Congress can change laws, not a president, Department of Justice or Department of Education!  Obama’s “Dear Colleague” letter is not the law and even they acknowledge – the force of law is not behind it!

Schools are facing the choices of opening their bathrooms, locker and shower rooms designated for one sex to the opposite sex or face being sued by disgruntled students who identify as transgender or their parents.    The most recent victim of such a lawsuit is Pine Richland School District in Allegheny County.  Schools should be a safe place for all students and invading the privacy of students does not provide a safe place for any student.

If a school has a blind student, does it require all the other students to wear blindfolds and learn to read Braille?  No.  Yet schools with one sexually confused individual  who identifies as transgender are requiring all female and male students to give up their privacy in order to accommodate this person.

As society is being pushed to erase all lines between male and female, as with most social experiments, it is the children who will be the big losers.