Blog Post – Are Corporations/Sports Associations Becoming Too Powerful?

Should corporations and sports associations be able to threaten states financially if they don’t adhere to the social agenda of the corporation or sports association?  These entities are increasingly jumping into the culture wars and using their financial clout to intimidate states into not passing laws they don’t like — especially laws that restrict the advancement of the homosexual/transgender issue.

Homosexual organizations such as Equality Forum in Philly and the national homosexual lobby group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) have been very active for over a decade to get corporations to jump on board in changing policies to be more “inclusive” by adding “sexual orientation” to their corporate policies.  As of July 2009 all twenty-seven Fortune 500 companies headquartered in PA had “sexual orientation” in their non-discrimination policies.   In August 2012, Equality Forum announced 95 percent of Fortune 500 companies have “inclusive non-discrimination” policies — meaning they’ve added “sexual orientation.”

As I visited the HRC website today, they are encouraging their supporters to support the companies that support them.  These are the ones prominently listed:  Lexus, Microsoft, Pepsico, The Hershey Company, MGM Resorts, Whirlpool, Nike, Starbucks, TD Bank, Symantec, Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams, Pfizer, W Hotels, Replacements LTD, Prudential, Tylenol, Shell, Cargill, Goldman Sachs, Ameriprise Financial, Dell, BP, Capital One, Accenture, Ernst & Young, Citi, Boston Scientific, American Airlines, Cox Enterprises, Hyatt, Target, Chevron, Bank of America, Deloitte, IBM, Diageo Vodka, Apple, Coca-Cola, Macy’s, Morgan Stanley, Lincoln Financial Group, Nationwide, Google, Orbitz, Northrop Grumman.

Over at the Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network’s  (GLSEN) website we find these corporate sponsors:  Wells Fargo, Target, The Walt Disney Company, Disney Television Group/ABC, First Data, JP Morgan Chase & Company, HBO, NBA, Delta, Ernst & Young, AT&T, Davis Polk, McDonalds, Morgan Stanley, Two Creeks Capital, Blue 449, Bloomberg, Colgate-Palmolive, DreamWorks, Credit Suisse, Gucci, Holt Media Companies, iHeart Media, njea, Ninth Decimal, pwc, Real D, Wyndham Worldwide, Pfizer, Goldman Sachs, Total Outdoor, Paul/Weiss.  Just as a reminder, GLSEN is the organization that is pushing Gay Straight Alliance clubs (GSAs) on schools and is pushing the “gay is okay” message on K-12 students.

HRC even keeps a scorecard on corporations to make sure they “toe the line” and make the appropriate policy changes .  HRC rates these corporations for “LGBT Equality” and create the Corporate Equality Index (CEI).  They are constantly changing the guidelines in order for corporations to receive a 100 percent score, but corporations are increasingly willing to make the changes demanded by HRC.  It seems for too many, that 100 percent score is of paramount importance each year.  One of the recent changes HRC made is if the business had made any donations to an “anti-LGBT ” organization, they would lose 25  points.   HRC announced “887 of the nation’s largest businesses demonstrated their commitment to LGBT equality and inclusion.”  Of those, 517 major businesses  have received a 100 percent score for 2017.

HRC has moved beyond simply promoting homosexuality to promoting transgenderism.  They report 82 percent of Fortune 500 companies have “gender identity” protections in their non-discrimination policies.  Fifty-percent of Fortune 500 companies offer “transgender-inclusive health care coverage” meaning they will pay for a so-called sex-change operation.

It should be noted here that for 2017 HRC sent 2,106 invitations to businesses to participate in the survey, but only 750 submitted surveys and 887 were officially rated.   HRC also notes that 156 Fortune 500 companies have never responded to the invitation to participate in the CEI survey.

Did you ever wonder how almost 100 companies signed onto a letter condemning HB 2 last year within days of North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory signing it into law?  HRC is the answer.  They obviously have these corporations and now sports organizations at their beck and call.

Here’s yet another example:  Fifty-three companies filed an amicus brief in support of the Virginia girl who identifies as a boy in Gloucester School District demanding that she be allowed to use the boy’s bathroom, locker and shower rooms.

We saw this corporate/sports organization bullying become front and center beginning in 2015 with the passage of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.  As in North Carolina for over a year now, corporations and sports organizations rose up and threatened to leave the state or, at a minimum, not expand within the state or move their sports conferences or games  from the state.   As a result of their efforts, a weaker version of the bill was passed and signed by then Governor Mike Pence.

Probably one of the biggest surprises is Walmart has become increasingly pro-homosexual.  In 2008 Walmart scored 40 percent on HRC’s CEI, today they score 100 percent — meaning, among other criteria, they will not donate to an “anti-LGBT” organization.  Here’s some troubling details about Walmart’s walk down the LGBT road:  in 2014 they made a five figure donation to the Gay Lesbian Victory Fund, which helps elect “out” homosexuals to political office.  In 2015 Walmart was a Platinum sponsor of New York City’s “Pride” parade which featured nudity, lewdness, vulgarity, a sadomasochism float, etc.   Just prior to that in March 2015, Walmart CEO Doug McMillon sent a letter to Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson demanding that he veto a bill that would put a Religious Freedom Restoration Act in place in Arkansas.  The governor obliged and vetoed the bill!

So, the question, as far as North Carolina goes, is whether HRC and the corporate/sports bullies will be happy since HB 2 has been repealed.  The bill repealing HB 2 still gives the legislature final say on bathroom usage policy within the state and local municipalities cannot pass non-discrimination ordinances which contain “sexual orientation/gender identity” language.   A quick look at the HRC website indicates they feel betrayed by Democrat Governor Roy Cooper.  Not surprising, since HRC wants all bathroom, locker and shower room doors ripped off their hinges.  They want all lines between male and female erased as they continue leading the country into sexual anarchy.  What will corporations and sports associations do now?  The NCAA was the driving force behind North Carolina’s repeal of HB 2 yesterday, the deadline the NCAA imposed on North Carolina.  They haven’t decided if the repeal is good enough and the NCAA board of governors will meet next week to decide what to do with North Carolina!