December 7, 2021


A Date Which Will Live in Infamy


Eighty years ago today our nation was attacked by Japanese bombers.   At 7:53 a.m. the surprise attack on US military and naval forces at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii began resulting in 3,435 casualties (killed and wounded) and loss of or severe damage of 188 American planes, 8 battleships, 3 light cruisers and 4 other miscellaneous vehicles.  That loss included the more than 1,000 men trapped inside the USS Arizona as she sank after an 1,800 pound bomb smashed through the deck of the ship and landed in her forward ammunition magazine.  The Japanese losses were less than 100 personnel, 29 planes and 5 midget subs.   No one believed  the Japanese would attack a target almost 4,000 miles from Japan — but they did! 

Action Steps Let’s not forget their sacrifices made on that day and the other sacrifices that have been made since that time to preserve our freedoms.  Watch this short video on this day of remembrance 

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