October 10, 2023


Attack on Israel and Our Open Southern Border


As we have tried to digest all that happened in Israel over the weekend, we are appalled at the atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists.  Over 800 Israeli civilians were killed as Jewish settlements near Gaza were specifically targeted.  Gary Bauer with Campaign for Working Families notes, “When you compare the populations of the United States and Israel, that would be like America suffering 20,000 to 25,000 mostly civilian deaths (or seven 9/11 attacks) in one 24-hour period.”  The numbers are staggering, but that is only the beginning! 

“The Israeli soldiers discovered families butchered altogether, women raped, children killed while playing, babies with heads cut off”

In a statement on Tuesday, Israeli Major General Itai Veruv said: “You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms and how the terrorist kills them. It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. It’s a massacre, it’s a terror activity. 

Yet, the Biden Administration refuses to acknowledge the role that Iran played, nor the part the $6 billion that Biden released to Iran played!    Hamas and Iran admit the Iranian role:

  • Hamas spokesman Ghazi Hamad tells the BBC that Iran gave its support to the Palestinian terror group to launch its surprise multi-front attack on Israel on Saturday, as cited by Hebrew media.
  • On Saturday, Iranian Supreme Leader Sayyid Ali Khamenei made his genocidal intent clear in a post on X (formerly Twitter): “God willing, the cancer of the usurper Zionist regime [Israel] will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region.”

Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn is leading an effort to get the Biden Administration to refreeze the $6 billion.  Blackburn and other Republican senators wrote a letter to Biden dated Oct. 9 calling on him to stop the flow of the $6 billion into Iran, even though the funds are only supposed to be used for humanitarian purposes.   Twenty US Senators signed the letter – all Republicans!

“Your administration claims these funds are only available for humanitarian use, but money is fungible, and there is significant risk they could be used to further efforts by Iran or Hamas against Israel,” they wrote.  

“Moreover, allowing $6 billion to flow into Iran’s economy, even if the purpose is for humanitarian aid, allows the Iranian regime to reallocate even more funds to supporting terrorism,” they argued.

Senator Bob Casey, Jr. has acknowledged Hamas’ attacks on Israel on both his official website and X (formerly Twitter), saying the US must stand with Israel and its right to self-defense.  Not one word condemning Hamas for the attacks, nor calling for refreezing the $6 billion.

For Senator John Fetterman’s part, there is nothing on his official website about the attacks, but on X he says he “forcefully condemns these cowardly, horrifying, unprovoked attacks on Israel by Hamas.  Attacking innocent civilians is particularly despicable and reflects the craven behavior of this terrorist group.  I unequivocally stand with the people of Israel now, and always.”   But, not one word calling for refreezing the $6 billion.

 So, one must also wonder how many terrorists have crossed our wide-open southern border, a border which the administration insists is “secure”.   A recently leaked Customs and Border Protection document shows the US Border Patrol has arrested tens of thousands of “special interest aliens” from the Middle East since October 2021.   Those “aliens” are defined as people from foreign countries that have conditions that promote or protect terrorism, or that may pose a threat to our national security.    We don’t know how many of these “aliens” were removed or released into the US! 

  President Biden has decided to build another 20 miles of border fence – too little too late!! We need border funding and policy changes! 

Action Steps

  1.  Pray for Israel
  2. HR 2, the Secure the Border Act, passed in the US House on May 11, but has seen no action in the US Senate.  This bill would close immigration policy loopholes, end the administration’s catch and release program, create mandatory nationwide E-Verify, deter visa overstays and so much more.  Contact your US Congressman, Senators Casey and Fetterman and ask them to support attaching HR 2, the Secure the Border Act, to any government funding bill being considered. 
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