December 15, 2021


Build Back Better Adds More Debt to Already High Deficit


This 2,476-page bill (HR 5376) passed in the US House on November 19 by a vote of 220-213 with all Republicans voting ‘nay.’.  What’s in it — higher taxes, trillions of dollars in new spending, special perks for illegal immigrants, the Green New Deal, and more social welfare name only a few components of the bill! 

President Biden said his plan had a zero-price tag!   The Congressional Budget Office doesn’t agree and  estimates the cost of Build Back Better  could balloon to $4.9 trillion and add $3 trillion to the deficit!  Just what we need with inflation at a 40 year high, the US does NOT need this plan!

Action Steps

The Democrats in the US Senate are desperate to get the bill passed by Christmas.   The Democrat standing in the way of passage is Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) who has said, “As more of the real details outlined in the basic framework are released, what I see are shell games… “ (to make the costs look smaller).  Contact Senators Casey and Toomey and ask them to vote ‘nay’ on the Build Back Better Plan.

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