September 17, 2013
Constitution Day
On this date in 1787 the US Constitution was adopted by the Continental Convention in Philadelphia and ratified by conventions in eleven States. It went into effect on March 4, 1789.
Many, including our elected officials, don’t know what our Constitution says (which, by the way they took an oath to uphold!).
So, just what does it say and what does it mean? The Federalist Papers help explain what the Founders meant in writing the Constitution. All of the essays were signed “PUBLIUS” and the actual authors of some are under dispute, but the general consensus is that Alexander Hamilton wrote 52, James Madison wrote 28, and John Jay contributed the remaining five. They were published in several New York newspapers to help persuade New Yorkers to ratify the Constitution.
Action Steps
1.) Take time today to read the US Constitution. Don’t worry, it’s really a short document — not anything like 2,000+ page bills that are being passed in Congress!
2.) If you have time, check out this website and test your knowledge on our Constitution.