AFA of PA ACTION ALERTState Senate Chamber

June 12, 2014


Have You Contacted Your Legislators Yet?


Senator John Eichelberger has also introduced a resolution to reclaim states’ rights, similar to State Representative Daryl Metcalfe’s. Click here to read our news release for more details.

Time is of the essence as the deadline to appeal Judge Jones’ decision declaring our Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional is one week from today!

Some legislators are breathing a sigh of relief because Schuylkill County Register of Wills, Theresa Gaffney, has petitioned to intervene in the case. However, if the Governor refuses to appeal Jones’ decision, it falls to the Legislature next to petition to intervene – not a Register of Wills. They should be the ones petitioning to intervene, not Gaffney! She has taken a bold step to do what must be done and not allow one judge to rule our law declaring marriage is only between one man and one woman in PA is unlawful. Here’s her email address to thank her

A little history: When President Obama and Eric Holder announced they would not defend the federal DOMA, House Speaker John Boehner petitioned the US Supreme Court to intervene and the request was granted. The House legal team defended the federal DOMA in every courtroom across the country where it was under attack up until the US Supreme Court struck down Section 2 last year. Let’s not forget that last June’s DOMA decision specifically said states still had the right to define marriage. Section 2 just dealt with the federal government’s definition of marriage for federal purposes.

Action Steps

1.) Go to our ACTION CENTER and send a message to your State Senator asking that he sign on as a co-sponsor to SR 403.  You can either leave the text and title of the message as it is or change it to your liking.

2.) If you have not contacted your State Representative about Representative Metcalfe’s resolution — HR 891, click here

3.) Continue calling/emailing Governor Corbett’s office asking him to appeal. Click here to get the phone number for the Regional Office nearest you.   Corbett’s email address is