August 18, 2021


School is Right Around the Corner


Most schools in PA will start on August 31st.  COVID will play a major role in the 2021-2022 school year, even as it has for the last year and a half.  Some schools have already issued a mask mandate requiring all staff members, students and visitors to wear mask when inside the school buildings.   But, COVID is not the most dangerous thing for those entering the schools to encounter.

Here are other issues that will be facing children as they return to their taxpayer-funded school — and this can impact ALL grade levels!

  • comprehensive sex ed using Planned Parenthood curriculum or other inappropriate materials
  • LGBTQ – affirming lessons also from Planned Parenthood or GLSEN or Advocates for Youth
  • Marxist/Socialist Critical Race Theory which places everyone in either oppressor or oppressed categories.  This creates racial tension between students.
  • Many PA schools will be issuing Chromebooks for students to use — be aware that there have been reports of these computers spying on students, tracking their browsing history, online searches, etc. Here’s the link to a report from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
  • Power Library  — many schools encourage students to use the PA Power Library.   This can give them access to pornography and pro-LGBTQ propaganda. 
  • Which clubs have been approved by the school board?  If there is a gay-straight alliance club or some type of “diversity” club, then expect that school to participate in LGBTQ days of action like the Day of Silence in April 
  • What is the school’s bathroom, locker room, sports policy?  Will they allow biological males to use the girls’ facilities or play on girls’ sports teams?
  • Black Lives Matter Curriculum — Is your school using this material or will it allow students to participate in the Black Lives Matter Days of Action?
  • Online databases such as EBSCO and GALE — These “Homework helpers” are outside the reach of a school’s filter and easily gives students access to porn. 
  • Offensive material in required reading lists
  • Governor Wolf wants schools to become COVID testing and vaccine centers for not only staff and students, but also students’ families

Action Steps

  1.  Pray for this coming school year — your student(s), the school board members, the administration, the teachers, the bus drivers, the cafeteria workers, the custodians. Everyone involved in public, cyber, private schools or homeschooling needs our prayers for this upcoming school year.
  2. Check out your school district’s website for the answers to some of the above concerns
  3. You can legally review all the curriculum, handouts, videos, extra-curricular assignments, etc. in your child’s classes.
  4. Stay connected with your child.  Ask specific questions about what’s going on in school.  Make a habit of daily asking him or her about the school day.  Encourage them to bring any concerns they may have to you. 
  5. Bring concerns to the teacher.  If no action is taken, go to the principal.  If nothing is resolved, go to the school board.
  6. Attend school board meetings monthly, if possible.