August 28, 2024
Your Vote Doesn’t Count If You Don’t Vote!
Seems like we’ve always heard people say, “What’s the point in voting, my vote doesn’t count.” That statement has become more prevalent since 2020, but we can’t simply concede the process is lost. There are many, many who are working to clean up the election process and us throwing up our arms in frustration will not help! Besides there is current proof that one vote does still count in today’s world.
From Gary Bauer’s End of Day: “In the 2023 off-year elections, 26 races ended in ties, and seven races were decided by one vote. Believe it or not, these close elections happen much more often than people realize.
According to the Public Interest Legal Foundation, there have been 625 elections that ended in tie votes and 162 elections that were decided by just one vote over the past 22 years.”
So, yes, your vote does matter!
But, if you’re not registered, you can’t vote.
Here are the PA requirements in order to register and vote in the next election:
1, Register at least 15 days before the next election.
2. Be a citizen of the United States for at least one month before the next primary, special, municipal, or general election.
3. Be a resident of Pennsylvania and the election district in which you want to register and vote for at least 30 days before the next primary, special, municipal, or general election.
4. Be at least 18 years old on or before the day of the next primary, special, municipal, or general election.
5. You must register to vote at the address where you actually live—your residential address. Owning property or a business in a county does not necessarily make you a resident of that county.
Action Steps
Do you know anyone in your family or circle of friends or acquaintances who is eligible, but is not registered?
I do believe this is the most important election of our lifetime – there are very stark differences between the two presidential candidates! So, it is extremely important that every eligible voter be registered and vote!
The last day to register to be able to vote in the November 5th election is October 21st. There are three ways to register:\
1. In person at your county election office – find that here
2. Download the voter registration form here and mail it to your county office. All the addresses are on the form. Be sure to sign it!
3. You can also register online here
Do you know anyone in the military who needs to vote absentee? Here’s the info they need.