November 2, 2020


Vote Like The Country Depended Upon it . . .


. . . because it does!  

Tomorrow is election day 2020 — the most important election of our lifetime!  Some may wonder how important their one vote is.  Here are a few examples as to the importance of one vote:

  1. In 1714, one vote placed King George I on the throne of England and restored the monarchy.
  2. In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of German (at least according to folk lore.)
  3. In 1800, the electoral college met in the respective states to cast their two votes for President.  At that time, the U.S. Constitution provided the candidate receiving the most electoral votes would become President and the candidate receiving the second highest number of votes would become Vice President.  When the results of the electoral college votes were opened by both houses of Congress, there was a tie vote for President between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr.  That threw the election of President into the House of Representatives where Thomas Jefferson was elected our third president by a one vote margin.
  4. In 1824, none of the four Presidential candidates received an electoral majority.  The election was again thrown into the House of Representatives, where John Quincy Adams defeated front runner Andrew Jackson by one vote to become the nation’s 6th president.  Andrew Jackson received the majority of the nation’s popular vote.

Yes, your one vote is important.

Action Steps

This morning we woke up to about five inches of snow in this part of Pennsylvania, but it won’t keep us from the polls on Tuesday!  Don’t let anything keep you from the polls!  However, if an emergency does come up, you can apply for an Emergency Application for an Absentee Ballot to your County Election Board by 8:00 p.m.  on election night.   

Get out and vote your values.  Don’t forget the voter guides and party comparisons that the AFA of PA has provided. 

If you’re not sure where to vote, you can find your polling place  here 

 If you requested a mail in ballot, but have not sent it in, you can still vote in person, but you must bring the mail-in ballot with you as well as the outer return envelope and sign a declaration form.  You will then be able to vote by regular ballot, otherwise  you’ll have to vote by provisional ballot.