AFA of PA ACTION ALERTMarch for Life 2016

January 21, 2016


What You Can Do to Stop Funding Planned Parenthood in PA


Some bus companies in PA have cancelled the trip to the March for Life in Washington, DC due to the weather predictions of a major blizzard hitting Friday afternoon through the weekend.  March for Life planners say the march will go on whatever the weather conditions.

There is a need to advocate for life in Harrisburg. Too many legislators who claim to be pro-life have proven to be unable or unwilling to introduce legislation that will protect babies. According to Planned Parenthood, Pennsylvania has the most pro-abortion governor in the nation. Is that why supposed pro-life legislators are afraid? It’s time to stop the flow of tax dollars to Planned Parenthood in PA and it’s time for legislators to prove they are pro-life, not just say they are!

Both State Senate and State House leaders had pledged to add Priorities language to the Fiscal Code. Although it would not disqualify Planned Parenthood from taxpayer funding, it places them at the end of the line. According to Ted Meehan with the Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania, here’s the way it works: When non-controversial women’s healthcare services are available at local hospitals (public or private), or at community health centers, or Urgent Care, or several other providing institutions, the funding is prioritized for them. Under the status quo, a Medicaid patient might seek a mammogram at Planned Parenthood (who doesn’t provide them). PP now receives the funding but only refers to one of the above type providers to receive the service. In essence, Priorities language sees to it that those who provide the services get the money – not PP or other abortion providers.

Click here for more details and action steps.