October 10, 2011

Issues  (check corresponding number in ‘Details’ and ‘Action’ Sections)

1.)   Anyone You Know Not Registered to Vote?

2.)  Vote for the Best Argument

3.) A Nation Embracing One Deviancy Will Lead to Another


1.)  Tuesday October 11th is the last day to register to be able to vote in the November 8th “off-year” election. In reality there is no such thing as a ‘off-year’ election – to our American way of life EVERY election is important!  Do you have family, friends or neighbors who are not registered?  Why not help them fulfill their duty as Americans to register to vote and them make sure they make it to the polls on Tuesday November 8th.

2.)   US News and World Report “Debate Club” is on same-sex marriage.  The “debate” is between Peter Sprigg with the Family Research Center, Evan Wolfson (Freedom to Marry) an d Rea Carey (National Gay and Lesbian Task Force).  You get to vote for the winner of the “debate.”  Currently Peter Sprigg is losing!

3.)  On August 17th members of academia participated in a conference in Baltimore to devise a way to get the American Psychological Association to remove “pedophilia” as a mental disorder from the upcoming diagnostic manual DSM V.

Action Steps

1.)  Click here to register to vote.

2.)   Read the arguments by clicking here. (scroll to the bottom of this page for Wolfson’s and Carey’s arguments)   There’s an up arrow and down arrow above the picture of the author.  After reading their argument decide whether you agree with the argument by clicking the up arrow (agree) or down arrow (disagree.)

3.)  Click here for my recent interview with Matt Barber of Liberty Council as he reports what he saw at the August 17th pedophile conference in Baltimore.