News from Around PA

1.) Pro-lifer Mark Houck and his family sue the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice.

2.) Philadelphia city’s website indicates abortion is “healthcare” and uses gender neutral language to insinuate that men can get pregnant.

3.) HB 1817, which allows transgenders and convicted felons to more easily change their names, moves to the House Judiciary Committee.

4.) Democrat State Rep John Galloway won a district judge seat on Tuesday, once again leaving the State House tied at 101 Dems to 101 Republicans.

News From National Scene

1.) Federal judge upholds Florida’s ban on boys playing on girls’ sports teams.

2.) Students in Loudon County, VA and Elida, OH walk out of class in protest of their schools’ policies allowing boys in girls’ bathroom.

3.) Montgomery County, MD Christian, Jewish and Muslim parents sue their school district over the board’s dismissal of their complaints over the dangerous sex ed curriculum approved by the board.

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