News Release
For Immediate Release:  December 6, 2012
Contact:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

PA State Rep Contacts “Gay” Organization to Learn How to “Come Out”

(Harrisburg) —  This past weekend’s announcement by a Republican State Representative that he is a homosexual came as a cause for concern for many local Republican leaders.   That concern is shared by the American Family Association (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group.

“Representative Mike Fleck has said his politics won’t change with the announcement, but that remains to be seen.  As more facts come out about what took place leading up to this announcement and the reactions of homosexual organizations in Pennsylvania, I believe the Representative will have a hard time living up to those words.  Already some of his statements have reflected the mantra  of homosexual groups,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA noted.

A subsequent AP article revealed the Fleck had sought guidance from the Gay & Lesbian Victory Institute.  According to its website, the organization “works to achieve full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people by building, supporting, and advancing a diverse network of LGBT public leaders.”

It also has become clear that Fleck has been in communication with the first open homosexual elected to the State House, Brian Sims, who will take office next month.    Others are hoping that he will be the first Republican member of the House LGBT Caucus.  Equality PA envisions him taking a leadership role in “LGBT equality” issues.  Fleck has already worked on a new anti-bullying bill which includes sexual orientation and gender identity language.

“Representative Fleck is misguided if he believes there will not be pressure from state and national homosexual groups to push the ‘gay’ agenda.   He is also misguided to believe that he can be a Christian and someone who engages in homosexual sex.   Scripture is clear on that in Romans 1 and elsewhere.  I Corinthians 6 is also clear that God can deliver from same-sex attraction.   Representative Fleck said he sought counseling to overcome his feelings, but it failed.   He has fallen into the trap and embraced a ‘gay identity;’ we encourage him to get further counseling and really seek what God’s Word says about the sin of homosexuality,” Gramley further commented.

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