Author: admin

Action Alert – Upcoming Deadlines Pertaining to Primary Election

June 2nd Primary Election Day is almost here! Monday, May 18th is the last day to register in order to vote in this year’s primary election. To vote by absentee ballot or mail-in ballot, your applications must be in by May 26th — but the sooner you send the applications in the better! When you receive your absentee or mail-in ballot, you must vote by mail; you can’t change your mind and decide to go to the polls. Follow the instructions on the ballots closely!

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Podcast – PTA and Planned Parenthood Connection; Guest: Karen England

Schools have been closed for months now in most states, but will kids be safe when they come back? We would think the PTA would have the best interest of students at heart, but does that organization do that anymore? The Capitol Resource Center in California decided to do some investigation into using a right to know request and you’ll be surprised to discover what they found??

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