Author: admin

Podcast: The Danger of Adding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity to Laws; Guest: Abraham Hamilton III

Homosexual activists have been trying to get actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity added to the PA Human Relations Act for as long as I can remember. During this legislative session they have gotten the closest they ever have with the passage of HB 300 in the State House. It passed by a vote of 102 to 98 on May 2 of last year. Only one Democrat – Frank Burns from Cambria County – voted against it and, unfortunately, two Luzerne County Republicans voted for it. So, just why are LGBTQ activists trying so hard to get this language added to the PA Human Relations Act and just how dangerous is it?

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Podcast: Roe v Wade is Overturned, but the battle continues; Guest: Mark Harrington

January is known as Sanctity of Human Life Month. Since the 1973 Roe v Wade decision by the US Supreme Court over 63 million babies have been killed. With the overturn of Roe v Wade, too many Americans think the fight is over. It is long from being over as evidenced by the many fights that are going on state by state – some wins, some loses for the pro-life movement. But how many fully understand what abortion is.

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