Author: admin

Action Alert – PA Department of Education Says: We May Keep Schools Closed

Is there an effort out of Harrisburg to deliberately delay the re-opening of the Commonwealth? Secretary of Education has said there is great uncertainty when it comes to the idea of school opening in the fall! Why would he make such a statement, except to only add stress to an already stressful situation? Speaker of the House Mike Turzai accused the Wolf Administration of having a “can’t do attitude” when it comes to reopening Pennsylvania.

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News Release – Who is Running PA and Shouldn’t We Be Asking Questions

Pennsylvanians are wondering where Governor Tom Wolf is. He’s not making himself available to his constituents. He’s not answering their questions. He’s having his phone calls forwarded to the PA Department of Health. He’s preventing reporters from asking him questions directly. Just who is running the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – our elected governor or unelected bureaucrats.

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Podcast – Democrats’ Efforts to Block Reopening PA; Guest: State Senator Scott Hutchinson

It all started on March 6th with the first probable case of the new coronavirus – COVID-19 found in Montgomery Count. By March 11th some schools in Montgomery County were closing and the NBA had suspended its season indefinitely after a player tested positive. By the next day Governor Wolf had shut all schools and many public places in Montgomery County and so the saga goes on. Two days later all schools in PA were to be closed for 10 business days and, of course, we know that school children will not be returning this school year and some in the education field are saying they may not reopen in the fall.

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Podcast – Climate Change Alarmists and COVID-19; Guest: Greg Wrightstone

We’re in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and we should all be uniting to battle this invisible enemy, but there are some who want to take advantage of the situation. As, Rahm Emmanuel advised Democrats to never let a crisis go to waste! We see that happening right before our eyes — from PA’s Lieutenant Governor wanted to push through recreational marijuana to Governor Wolf wanting to include a minimum wage hike to paid sick leave in any coronavirus aid bill. But how about climate change? Are they using this crisis to promote their agenda?

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