Author: admin

Podcast: Are COVID-19 Stats Reliable? Guest: Steve McConkey

Over four hundred four one thousand cases worldwide – almost 20,000 deaths worldwide. Here in the US 55,568 cases with over 600 deaths. In Pennsylvania there are over eleven hundred cases with eleven deaths – mostly in the Philadelphia area. The numbers are growing quickly, but is this to be expected? Is this pandemic – COVID 19 being blown out of proportion? Is there a possible political reason for mostly Democrat governors shutting down businesses across their states?

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Special Podcast – What is the Coronavirus? How do we respond? Guest: Pastor Chad Troup

We are living in a different Pennsylvania, a different America than just a couple weeks ago. The coronavirus has turned our world upside down – shelves stripped bare of toilet paper and other paper products, hand sanitizer is impossible to find; people stocking their homes for a possible quarantine order. How do we fight an invisible enemy? Just what is coronavirus? Is it something new or are there many coronaviruses that we face every day? The new coronavirus COVID 19 has taken the world by storm. How are Christians to react? How should the church respond?

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Should the US Department of Education have the authority to change Title IX without congressional action?

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