Author: admin

Action Alert: Chick-Fil-A Has Said They Will No Longer Donate to “Anti-LGBT” Groups

Chick-fil-A is changing its charitable policy to focus on organizations which provide support for education, homelessness and hunger. This will replace its current donations to the Salvation Army, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Paul Anderson Youth Home which have received millions from Chick-Fil-A in the past few years.

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Allegheny County Alert – Attend Tuesday Night’s Council Meeting

An ordinance has been introduced by Allegheny Councilwoman Sue Means and co-sponsored by Councilman Sam DeMarco that would ban harmful therapy such as electroshock, penetrating fingers with needles, forced vomiting, slapping, hitting, punching or any other physical contact between a mental health professional and a minor or another client/patient. The ordinance would also protect the free speech rights of mental health professionals as they aid minor clients in attaining their self-determined objectives.

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Action Alert – Down Syndrome Bill – HB 321 – To Be Considered in Committee

Their task is to decide the life or death of a baby that has been given a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome. Too many times babies are aborted simply for that one reason. Babies in the womb should be protected. HB 321, a bill to ban abortions simply based upon a diagnosis of Down Syndrome, will be considered by the Senate House and Human Services Committee. Let these committee members know your thoughts on this bill.

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Podcast – Social Emotional Learning; Guest: Dr. Karen Effrem

If one follows education issues, social emotional learning or SEL has become an important topic. One definition of SEL is “the process by which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.” That’s rather broad! Is this the latest education fad and are our kids once more being guinea pigs in this great social experiment?

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