Author: admin

Podcast – International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Church; Guest: Todd Nettleton

Persecuted for your Christian faith – a concept most Christians in America cannot fully grasp. Yes, we’ve seen attacks on Christian business owners who refuse to videotape, bake cakes or provide flowers for so-called same-sex weddings. They’ve faced fines and the threat of losing their business and, in some cases even here in Pennsylvania, they have lost their business. Those who take a Biblical stand on morality in America are sometimes called names. But what we have faced here, at least to this point, has not risen to the persecution that many of our Christian brothers and sisters face for their belief in Christ. In many countries to become a Christian can lead to intense persecution and even death. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is November 3rd

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Action Alert – Pennsylvania Youth Survey Coming to a School Near You!!

It’s PAYS time again! That’s the Pennsylvania Youth Survey which every other year asks 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th graders about criminal acts, suicide, guns, alcohol and illegal drug use of not only the student, but the student’s family. There are also several questions about the student’s relationship with his or her mother, father, siblings and asks about arguments within the home. You can opt your child out of this offensive survey which can be administered by participating schools up until November 20th.

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Action Alert – Ask Your School Board to Declare November Parental Rights in Education Month

Parental rights are under constant attack in today’s world. The courts have left the rights of parents to bring up their children as they see fit in limbo. Perhaps the greatest assault happens each day in the public-school system. Will your school board approve the proclamation declaring November Parents’ Rights in Education Month?

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