Author: admin

Action Alert – September 17 is Constitution Day! What’s Your Child’s School Doing About It?

On June 21, 1788, New Hampshire became the ninth state (and last one necessary) to ratify the document, and it was subsequently agreed that the United States’ government under the U.S. Constitution would begin on March 4, 1789. The U.S. Constitution is the oldest written constitution in operation in the world and all Americans should know what it says. This highlights how very important it is that the nation’s school use September 17, Constitution Day, to educate students on the history and importance of the US Constitution.

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Podcast – Loss of Parental Rights; Guest: Philadelphia Councilman David Oh

What do Casandra S, Justina Pelletier, “Annie,” Drake Pardo, an eight-year-old Cleveland Heights, Ohio boy, a four and seven year old brother and sister in California have in common? These list only a few of the children who have been removed from their home because the government determined they were being neglected or abused while no evidence supported the accusation. Smiles 4 Keeps in Bartonsville, PA threatened a mother that if she did not make a dental appointment for “regular professional cleanings” for her child, she could be charged with “dental neglect.” Court decisions have called into question the fundamental rights of parents. So, do parents still have rights or does the government now own our children?

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Blog Post – Have We Forgotten?

We probably all remember where we were when we first heard of the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. We probably all remember how we were glued to the radio and TV throughout the day to catch every bit of news we could as the vast tragedy began to unfold before a shocked America. For a few short days – perhaps weeks — the country set aside differences and stood united. For a few short weeks, Americans turned to God.

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