Author: admin

Podcast: Does the Bible Really Have the Answers? Info on Upcoming Conference; Guest: Joel Saint

No one can doubt this nation is quickly falling away from God. More and more we are looking like a post-Christian culture. Is the church fulfilling its rightful role of being salt and light? Is the church presenting the answers to the many questions that are being asked today? Do Christians know how to live in a post-Christian world? How well do Christians know how to live biblically?

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Action Alert – State House Can Continue Blocking Atheists from Delivering Opening Prayer

This nation was founded upon prayer. The establishment of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is based in prayer — prayer to a living and powerful God. The State House followed the centuries-old tradition of opening their sessions in prayer, but atheists wanted their opportunity to open the House sessions in “prayer”. A major victory was just handed down by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in this ongoing challenge to the House’s policy. Thank House Speaker Mike Turzai for his willingness to fight for the guest chaplain policy.

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Podcast: Danger of Encouraging Young Children to “Transition”; Guest: Dr. Michelle Cretella

While some may have doubted that children are the targets of transgender activists, the past few months have awakened all to that fact. Drag Queen Story Hours targeting three to eight year old children and news accounts of children identifying as the sex opposite their biology have proliferated. Too many in the medical field have jumped on the band wagon. The American Medical Association urges insurance companies to cover so-called sex reassignment surgeries. Just last year the American Academy of Pediatrics began urging parents to accept the preferred gender identity of their children i.e. if little Johnny wants to be little Janie – parents should be okay with that. Is there no sanity left in the medical field? The good news is, “Yes, there is.”

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Action Alert: Parents Beware- School Year 2019-2020 is Upon Us!

A new school year is upon us once again. Parents need to be aware that there are those pushing liberal agendas within the education establishment. The business items approved by the NEA at their annual convention in July highlight this fact! Parents also need to be aware that some schools consider your children their property once they walk through the schoolhouse door, but don’t succumb to any intimidation tactics the school may use. Your children are your children – even within the walls of the school. No matter what school district you are in, you and your children are not immune from these radical agendas. You may need to consider using the opt out form referenced in this alert.

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Podcast – Gone Too Far Movement; Guest: Pastor Stephen Broden

Drag Queen Story Hours at local public libraries have been in the news in the news a lot this year. These target three to eight year old children with the blessing of the American Library Association, your local library and of course LGBTQ+ activists. Even as the AFA of PA has partnered with local residents in fighting these events, the media and too many individuals don’t see a problem with them, applauding their diversity lessons having totally bought into the promoters of these Story Hours’ line that they are simply teaching tolerance and diversity. However, a deeper look reveals the real dangers ignored by the public libraries who are okay with men dressed as flamboyant women reading to young children.

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