Author: admin

Action Alert – Oreo Did What?

Boy – girl; girl – boy; cookie – cracker?? Oreo seems confused! They partnered with the National Center for Transgender Equality and created Pronoun Packs and Oreo cookie pins reading “Ask Me My Pronouns” to distribute during New York City’s World Pride event. Why would a cookie company want to push an agenda that creates confusion in children and opens women’s bathrooms to men who think they are women? Why would a cookie company push an agenda that destroys the lives of children, teens and young adults who buy into the lie that they can change gender? Take a minute and ask them!

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Action Alert – Happy Independence Day

Two hundred forty-three years ago today the Thirteen Colonies declared their independence from the British Crown. Over the next few weeks 56 men would sign this document – knowing full well their signature made them a traitor to the Crown. In fact, John Hancock signed in large letters just so King George would have an easier time reading his name! These men mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. For some it costs them everything. We cannot forget the sacrifices that have been made for our freedom.

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