Author: admin

News Release – Will City of Erie Vote to Take Away Parental Rights?

The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide child advocacy organization has contacted each Erie City Council member expressing concerns about proposed Ordinance 34-2019 — an effort to ban talk therapy for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion. The letter to each council member listed 12 reasons to vote against the bill. Those include:

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Erie County Action Alert – Effort to Ban Talk Therapy

Erie City Council is considering a ban on talk therapy for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion. This effort is a direct assault upon a parent’s right to seek help for their child. Such bans would only allow a therapist to provide counseling that affirms the child’s same-sex attraction or gender confusion; thus leaving the child hopelessly trapped with those unwanted feelings.

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Action Alert – Another Drag Queen Story Hour Coming

Drag Queen Story Hours are the latest tactic by LGBT activists in their efforts to convince impressionable children that a boy can be a girl or a girl can be a boy. They want children to believe they can choose their own gender; they do not have to accept their “gender assigned at birth.” This concept is ridiculous when the average thinking person hears of it, but too many adults with an agenda to push are targeting children to place confusion in their minds.

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News Release – US Supreme Court Decision is Irresponsible

In 1973 the US Supreme Court found the “right to privacy” in the US Constitution in order to force abortion on all 50 states, but on May 28, 2019 it refused to take a case involving the real right to privacy. The Boyertown Area School District policy of allowing gender confused boys and girls to use the facilities of the opposite sex is dangerous. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide organization advocating for children, is appalled by the decision.

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