Author: admin

Action Alert – Another PA Business Attacked

No, homosexual activists did not just want the “right to marry the one they love,” but they want to require all Americans set aside their deeply held religious beliefs and embrace homosexuality as normal. The recent attack on The Star Barn in Lancaster County once again highlights this. The owners have made it clear that the purpose of the property and all the activities which take place there is to bring honor to God. However, homosexual activists are outraged that owners of The Star Barn do not allow so-called same-sex weddings to take place there.

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Action Alert – What is Your Child’s School Doing On This Day?

GLSEN’s Day of Silence will take place in a few days. Will your child’s school allow students and/or teachers to remain silent during instructional time that day? If so, you have a decision to make — allowing your child to go to school on this politicized day or send a clear message to the school and keep him or her home. Sometimes the best way to get the attention of schools is to hit them in the pocketbook!

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