Author: admin

Podcast: Pentagon’s New Transgender Policy – Guest: Elaine Donnelly

Then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced in 2016 that transgender people already serving in the military would be allowed to serve openly. And the military set July 1, 2017, as the date when transgender individuals would be allowed to enlist. After President Trump took office, however, his administration delayed the enlistment date and called for additional study to determine if allowing transgender individuals to serve would affect military readiness or effectiveness.

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Action Alert – Have you weighed in on recreational marijuana yet?

As many warned, the legalization of medical marijuana would be used as a stepping stone to legalizing recreational marijuana. Well, it’s here with the introduction of HB 50. The promise in other states of increased tax revenue resulting from the legalization of recreational marijuana has not been worth the cost in destroyed lives. But, does the government care about that negative consequences?

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Action Alert – Ask Your Congressman to Oppose H Res 124

The Pentagon has issued a new policy concerning transgenders in the military. In essence, after April 12th no one with gender dysphoria or who has transitioned to the opposite sex will be allowed to enlist. Any active duty personnel diagnosed with gender dysphoria after April 12th must serve in their birth sex and not receive hormone treatment and “sex reassignment surgery.” The Left is furious and has offered a resolution condemning this new policy.

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