Author: admin

Action Alert – Contact Congress, Senate, Schumer and Pelosi

The partial government shutdown is nearing the 30-day mark and there appears to be no movement on the part of the Democrats to give President Trump the money needed to build the wall on our southern border. They even refuse to acknowledge there’s a problem. Maybe we should let our Congressman, Senators, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer know our thoughts!

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Action Alert – Thank Second Lady Pence

Second Lady Karen Pence has gone back to school – rather to teaching art in a Christian school in northern Virginia twice a week. The problem for “progressives” is this school adheres to the Biblical definition of sexuality and expects their employees to also. So, they are attacking Second Lady Pence for associating with such a “discriminatory” school!

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Should a governor get to pick and choose which laws he will execute when the PA Constitution mandates he “shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed”?

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