Author: admin

Action Alert – Contact the President

It’s a simple enough request – money for a wall to protect Americans, but not enough in Congress are taking that request seriously. Instead they are willing to compromise to the point of undermining the President. That is exactly what has happened on this funding bill that was released less than 24 hours ago!

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News Release – School Board Makes Right Decision and Says ‘No’ to Planned Parenthood Partner

(Franklin, PA) — School districts in Venango County have been approached by Planned Parenthood partner AccessMatters and asked to establish “health resource centers” in their high schools. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide child advocate organization, strongly opposes Planned Parenthood’s use of high schools to gain access to students.

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Podcast – Gone2Far Movement – Guest: Dr. Scott Lively

The Left continues moving further to the left and is pushing an ever more radical agenda, whether it be infanticide, socialism or the LGBTQ agenda. In fact, new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi promised to introduce and get the Equality Act passed during the 116th Congress. At what point will Christians take a stand and say ‘Enough is Enough’?

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Blog Post — Today’s Abe’s Birthday!

Today is Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday — he was born February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. His mother, Nancy Hanks, died in 1818 and his father, Thomas Lincoln, a farmer and carpenter, remarried soon afterward. As many pioneer families did, Lincoln grew up in near poverty. The family’s several moves prevented a formal education and his few weeks of school attendance in Kentucky and Indiana amounted to less than a year.

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