Author: admin

Allegheny County Alert – Therapy Ban in Committee

If someone needs therapy, they should be allowed to get it. However, Allegheny County Council is considering a bill that would ban therapy for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion. The key word here is “unwanted.” They want these feelings to go away, but if this bill passes they will only be permitted to get therapy that encourages these unwanted feelings and not delve into the underlying issues that are causing them!

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Action Alert – How is the 116th Congress Doing?

Our representatives and senators are elected to represent us — to take into consideration the views of their constituents. Just how is the 116th Congress doing so far? Check out the new Congressional Voting Records that the AFA of PA has created for all 18 Congressmen from PA as well as Senator Bob Casey, Jr. and Senator Pat Toomey.

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