AFA of PA Weekly E-Newsletter
AFA of PA encourages Christians, through education, to become involved in pro-family issues in their community, state and the nation. This is some of what has been going on in the Commonwealth and the nation.
Read MorePosted by admin | Jan 12, 2019 | Weekly E-Newsletter |
AFA of PA encourages Christians, through education, to become involved in pro-family issues in their community, state and the nation. This is some of what has been going on in the Commonwealth and the nation.
Read MorePosted by admin | Jan 11, 2019 | Action Alerts, Politics |
HR 4174 would give the federal government the power to collect more personal data from United States citizens and share it across federal agencies. This would create a de facto national database on all Americans. The bill was pushed through with minimal debate and only one roll call vote throughout the entire process!
Read MorePosted by admin | Jan 9, 2019 | Action Alerts, Homosexual Agenda |
The confirmation of Chai Feldblum for a third term on the EEOC is dead! Senator Mike Lee of Utah objected to the Senate approving Feldblum by unanimous consent. Needless to say homosexual activists are not happy and have begun their attacks on him. Tell him ‘Thank you’ for stopping this confirmation!
Read MorePosted by admin | Jan 9, 2019 | Action Alerts, Politics |
During tonight’s speech, President Trump laid out the crisis on our southern border and the steps that need to be taken to end that crisis – the construction of a border wall. Last week the Democrat-controlled House passed bills that ended the shutdown, but did not give the President one penny for the wall. Five Republicans, including Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-1), voted with the Democrats. It’s time to build the wall!
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