Author: Diane Gramley

Podcast – Upcoming Birthday of the Bill of Rights; Guest: Carris Kocher

I believe most American’s know why we celebrate July 4th, but do they or has it just become a time for fireworks, parades and picnics? I believe most schools don’t teach the real history of the United States, so if they don’t get Independence Day correct is there any hope they would even mention the Bill of Rights or correctly interpret the Founding Fathers’ intent when they wrote the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution – better known as the Bill of Rights. The birthday of the Bill of Rights is coming up on December 15th.

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Blog Post – Pearl Harbor Day

Just before 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu in an unprovoked move that took the lives of 2,403 Americans and wounded 1,178.  Over the next seven hours there were coordinated attacks by the Japanese on US-held Philippines, Guam and Wake Island. Of the eight US Navy battleships present, all were damaged.   Four of those ships were sunk; all except the Arizona, which lost 1,177 officers and sailors, was raised. 

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