Author: Diane Gramley

Podcast – Leaving Public Schools; Guest: E. Ray Moore

The COVID school lockdowns revealed to parents just what their children were being exposed to in the public schools and, in most cases, they were appalled. This has led to a mass exodus from the government-controlled public school system. The public schools’ response has largely been to ignore the concerns of parents and continue with their propaganda from promoting abortion to climate change to critical race theory to the LGBTQ agenda and everything in between. They also are creating activists for these liberal causes. What is a parent to do?

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Action Alert – Targeted for Being Pro-Life

There is no question that we are seeing an increase in the number of unconstitutional attacks on conservatives by the FBI. Whether it be snatching phones at Hardee’s drive throughs or an early morning raid of a home school family, these intimidation tactics are increasing. Now, we have a pro-life father of seven snatched from his home and charged with a federal crime for simply trying to protect his son from the obscenities hurled by an abortion mill escort.

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Podcast – The Misguided Notion That Anyone is Transgender; Guest: Walt Heyer

The promotion of transgenderism is running rampant across the nation. Our vulnerable children are a primary target. Comprehensive sex ed classes in schools encourage early sexual activity, promote homosexuality, bisexuality, non-gender, pansexuality, etc., but the biggest promotion is of transgenderism. Unfortunately, too many easily impressionable children are falling for the lie that they may have been born in the wrong body. Parents don’t know where to turn as it is hard to find a therapist is does not affirm their child’s delusion.

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Action Alert – Is Your Congressman Willing to Stop Child Abuse?

How does America define child abuse in today’s world? Does surgically removing healthy body parts constitute it? Does prescribing drugs to stop normal growth patterns constitute child abuse in today’s America? Does chemically castrating or removing reproductive organs from healthy children and youth constitute child abuse? A bill has been introduced in Congress to stop so-called “gender affirming care”, which in reality constitutes child abuse.

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