Author: Diane Gramley

Podcast – Danger of Proposed Title IX Changes; Guest: Mary McAllister

September 12th was the deadline for public comment to be submitted to the US Department of Education regarding their rule change expanding the word “sex” in Title IX to include sexual orientation and gender identity. We’re going to look at what Title IX is, why it was passed in 1972 and what impact this rule change would have on every public school in the US, if it is implemented.

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Action Alert – A Senate Vote on the Misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” is Planned This Week

Democrats want to codify the US Supreme Court Obergefell decision which forced so-called same-sex marriage on the nation. Passage of HR 8404, the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act”, would impact thousands of federal laws and place Christian business owners who adhere to the Biblical definition of marriage as only between one man and one woman in the crosshairs of homosexual activists. Christian bakers, florists, videographers, web designers, etc., etc. have already been hauled off into court for adhering to their religious views.

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Action Alert – Have You Seen “Lifemark” Yet?

Roe v Wade is gone and the fight moves to all 50 states. Some already have passed laws to allow abortion up to the moment of birth! In other states abortion bans have been passed. Corporations have announced policies to pay for an employee’s travel and lodging in order to get an abortion. Babies in the womb are still in grave danger, but moms with an unplanned pregnancy need to know there are options like adoption which are good for the mom, as well as the baby. The “Lifemark” movie relays this very clear message.

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Podcast – Dangers of “Saving the Planet” Mantra; Guest: Tom DeWeese

According to many in the Democrat Party the end is near, unless we intervene to save the planet. According to one from New York, we only have twelve years to go. Drastic steps are being taken around the globe, including the United States. California is probably the worst and right now, during a heat wave Governor Newsome is telling folks to turn off their air conditioners and, for those with electric vehicles, they are not to charge those vehicles. The US government has earmarked billions of dollars to fight climate change – formerly known as global warming. But now they’ve come up with a really “great idea.”

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