Author: Diane Gramley

Action Alert – Tell Governor Wolf to Denounce Teaching Children to Pole Dance

Perfectly normal?? An almost naked man was teaching children how to pole dance at the recent Pride Festival of Central Pennsylvania. Prior to the opening of the event Governor Wolf sent them a letter congratulating them on their thirtieth anniversary. Does Governor Wolf approve of children being taught how to pole dance? Maybe we should ask him! We should also tell him to stop using our tax dollars to fund such events.

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Action Alert – We Know How Casey Will Vote, So Concentrate on Senator Toomey

Marriage and family are the foundations of any society. Both are under intense attacks. The US House has already voted to repeal the federal Defense of Marriage Act and it is now in the Senate awaiting a vote. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is wanting to skip committee hearings, even as the US House did, and advance the bill for a floor vote. We must act now to protect marriage.

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Podcast – Is Monkey Pox a Danger to the General Public? Guest: Peter LaBarbera -Americans for Truth About Homosexuality

A lot is being said in the news about monkeypox. We are being warned it may be the next pandemic and the US government hasn’t done enough to stop its spread. But are we all in danger of it? We are also going to take a look at a recent Gallup Poll and answer the question as to whether LGBT indoctrination is something new and is the world becoming more pro-homosexual and less pro-transgender.

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