Author: Diane Gramley

Podcast – What Does Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act Mean? Guest: Robert Knight

In 1996 the Defense of Marriage Act passed with veto-proof majorities in both the US House and US Senate. President Bill Clinton, although he called it “divisive and unnecessary”, signed the bill into law. It defines marriage for federal purposes as the union of one man and one woman, and allows states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages granted under the laws of other states. Of course, the 2013 Supreme Court decision in United States vs. Windsor weakened it and, then, the June 2015 Supreme Court Obergefell decision finished the job. In 2015 the US was only one of 23 countries out of 195 that redefined marriage. But the Democrats want more.

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Action Alert – Dems Need Ten Republicans to Pass Misnamed Bill . . .

The Senate is pushing forward with the effort to codify same-sex “marriage” into law. Having passed in the US House with the help of 47 Republicans, Senator Schumer is working to get the ten Republicans he needs to move the bill forward for a full vote on the floor of the Senate. Let Senators Casey and Toomey know what you think!

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Podcast – Still Have Questions About the November 2020 Election? Can anything be done? Guest: Janet Porter

The words ‘election integrity’ have been in the news a lot since November 2020, with the mainstream media and the Democrats assuring us that the General Election in 2020 was the most safe and secure ever, while too many Republicans are silent. Still too many unanswered questions remain in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and, yes, Pennsylvania.

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Action Alert – University of Pennsylvania Nominates “Lia” Thomas to be NCAA Woman of the Year

“Lia” Thomas has destroyed women’s swimming records this past year, going from being ranked 462nd when he swam as a male on the UPenn men’s team to being number one in NCAA women’s swimming. This is a direct assault on women and now the University of Pennsylvania has nominated him to be the NCAA Woman of the Year.

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