Category: Listen

Podcast: Importance of School Board Races

School board races in PA are usually nothing to get overly excited about. Very few are competitive – usually if you run, you will win. This year will be quite different. We’ve found out in recent years just how important school boards are – from fighting mask mandates, fighting terrible policies from the US Department of Education, to porn in our school libraries. The future of our nation really depends upon the education of America’s future voters.

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Podcast – The History of St. Nicholas; Guest: Bill Federer

Christmas is just around the corner. We seem to see fewer and fewer manger scenes in yards and more reindeer, snowmen, and Santa Clauses and, of course, every mall has a Santa Claus for kids to sit on his knee and tell him what they want for Christmas. But, of course, Santa asked whether he or she has been naughty or nice. Have you ever wondered about Santa Claus? How did he become a part of Christmas? Is this jolly man in a red suit based upon a real person in history? Well, you’ve come to the right place to get some of those questions answered!

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Podcast: Why Christians Must Vote In This Election; Guest – Greg Quinlan

Christians are called to be salt and light, does that extend into the political arena or is that too dirty for Christians to be involved in? Should we just stay within our church walls where it is safer and ignore what is going on around us? What would America look like if more Bible-believing Christians voted? We do have an election coming up in just a few days. What should we do, I mean Jesus is not on the ballot?

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Podcast – Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris LGBTQ Policies; Guest: Peter LaBarbera

If you haven’t heard there is an election coming up on November 5th. Will the promotion of the LGBTQ issue play a role in this election? Does one party promote it more than another? Should this issue alone play a role in our decision to vote or not to vote? It is predicted that up to 41 million Christians will sit this election out!! Why? Shouldn’t we be concerned enough to care for the future of our nation and care for the men, women and children who live here?

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Podcast – Contemporary Paganism and the New Spirituality; Guest: Linda Harvey

Is your local community, is your state, is the nation becoming a darker place to live? I’m not talking about a physical darkness caused by the high cost of electricity preventing people from turning on their lights. I’m talking about a spiritual darkness. Have the Halloween decorations in recent years become more macabre? Are there more witches, giant skeletons – just in general scarier yard decorations? Witch walks??What is behind this? Is it simply retailers honing their marketing skills or does there seem to be a desire on the part of the consumer for such things?

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Podcast: Silence Equals Consent; Guest: Bill Federer

I had a fifth grade English teacher named Mr. Douglas who had a habit of saying ‘Speak now or forever hold your peace”. As a fifth grader I always wondered whether that was spelled “peace” or “piece” – but what does it mean if we hold our piece? Does it mean we accept what we hear or see or are simply indifferent to our surroundings? Or do we even care about anyone except ourselves?

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Podcast – Choosing America’s Next Commander-in-Chief; Guest: Elaine Donnelly

Very shortly we will be voting for our next Commander-in-Chief. What should we look for when we vote for our next president? The Center for Military Readiness is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates. However, every four years the Center for Military Readiness reports on and analyzes the positions of presidential candidates vying to become the next Commander-in-Chief.

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Podcast: Why Should Christians Vote? Guest: Janet Porter

The most important election in our lifetime will take place on November 5th! Some have said they are sitting this election out because they find the language or antics of both candidates offensive. Let’s face it: Jesus once again is not on the ballot!! However, this year the policies of the two are starkly different. We must ask ourselves if we are better off now than we were three and a half years ago. For those who are considering sitting out the November 5th election, consider this – isn’t voting a way to love your neighbor? Isn’t voting our patriotic duty? Isn’t voting our Christian duty?

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AFA of PA Weekly E-Newsletter

AFA of PA encourages Christians, through education, to become involved in pro-family issues in their community, state and the nation. This is some of what has been going on in the Commonwealth and the nation.

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Podcast: The Truth About Banned Books Week; Guest: Linda Harvey, Mission America

Going to the American Library Association’s website and you are immediately confronted with “Banned Books Week – September 22-28 – it says the ALA documented 4,240 unique book titles targeted for censorship in 2023—a 65% surge over 2022 numbers—as well as 1,247 demands to censor library books, materials, and resources. Pressure groups focused on public libraries in addition to targeting school libraries. The number of titles targeted for censorship at public libraries increased by 92% over the previous year, accounting for about 46% of all book challenges in 2023. There must be a lot of folks out there burning books, but just how do they define “banned books”?

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Podcast: Death With Dignity is a Lie; Guest Alex Schadenberg

The idea of climate change caused by overpopulation is being parroted by the news media almost daily. The legalization of abortion in 1973 with the US Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision cost the lives of over 63 million babies in the US. Thankfully the Court reversed that decision, but abortion continues. The very ideas of overpopulation and the legalization of abortion have cheapened life in the minds of many. We see that evidenced almost daily as we listen to the nightly news. Cheapened lives mean throw away lives and we see that in the so-called “death with dignity” movement. That sounds so compassionate! But do you want your taxpayer dollars used for such a purpose?

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Podcast: The Olympic Opening Ceremony; Guest: Steve McConkey

The summer Olympics in Paris, France started out with controversy!! Eighteen performers worked very hard to mock the 2.4 billion followers of Christ. This from the Western Journal: The controversy came over a drag show that featured French drag “star” Nicky Doll and his fellow men-pretending-to-be-women watching actual women in a fashion show and staring “fiercely at the models strutting,” according to, the website of the gay and lesbian magazine Out. “In a subsequent segment, Nicky and the other queens were shown actually walking the runway as well,” Out reported. Well, they did more than walk the runway!

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