News Release
For Immediate Release:  July 28, 2010
Contact:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Small Town Targeted:  Typical Intimidation Tactics Used by Homosexual Activists

(Franklin) –   No one dare speak out against those living the homosexual lifestyle or they are deemed bigoted and homophobic bullies  – even in small town USA.  This scenario is playing out across Pennsylvania, but Coudersport, Potter County, is the scene tonight where homosexual activists Joe Wilson and Dean Hamer will be showing their documentary “Out in the Silence” over the objection of that town’s residents.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), target of the one-sided documentary, notes that Wilson and Hamer view any objection to their agenda as a threat.

Residents of Coudersport have expressed concerns to the tax-payer funded public library about the showing of this propaganda piece in their town.  The complaints have prompted Joe Wilson to contact the State Police, the media and the PA Human Rights Commission.  These are typical intimidation tactics,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The filming of this documentary began after Wilson and Hamer had their ‘wedding announcement’ published in the local Oil City Derrick.  As letters to the editor opposing the paper’s action began pouring in, Wilson began looking up the phone numbers of the writers and calling them asking if they wanted to be in their documentary.  Sometimes if he didn’t get a satisfactory answer he and Hamer would show up on doorsteps unannounced and with camera in hand.   The AFA of PA’s warning to all who contacted us about being in the documentary was to not participate because Hamer and Wilson would twist what was said and done to say what they wanted.   This warning has proven accurate.  Wilson called Gramley’s home numerous times and even after talking for two to three hours, she would not agree to be part of the documentary.  It was not until August 2006 when AFA of PA supporters picketed Governor Rendell at the Oil Heritage Parade that Hamer and Wilson were able to run Gramley down and get her on camera for the first time.

“There is only one purpose for the production of this documentary and that is to be used as a propaganda tool to normalize the homosexual lifestyle and to claim victimhood.  Wilson and Hamer are good at distorting and/or ignoring the facts to push their agenda.  They distorted the role the AFA of PA played in the Franklin School District situation as well as the opening of the Latonia.  Facts didn’t play into what they wanted the story to tell, so they rearranged and distorted it,” Gramley explained.

To read the Franklin School District and Latonia letters referred to in the documentary click here.

The documentary was first shown last July at the first statewide GLSEN Youth conference in Pittsburgh and then targeted university campuses all last fall.  This year has brought their ‘community outreach’ campaign by showing it at public libraries.  The endorsement by the American Library Association (ALA) comes as no surprise since they deem all material acceptable to all people.  “(the) right to use a library” includes free access to, and unrestricted use of, all the services, materials, and facilities the library has to offer. Every restriction on access to, and use of, library resources, based solely on the chronological age, educational level, literacy skills, or legal emancipation of users violates Article V.”    Additionally, the ALA has its own “Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Round Table.”

“Out in the Silence” is simply a homosexual propaganda piece and communities who stand up for decency in opposing its showing will be declared bigoted and homophobic by homosexual activists Joe Wilson and Dean Hamer.

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