News Release
For Immediate Release: October 24, 2011
Contact: Diane Gramley 814-271-9078 or 814-437.5355
Will Jenkintown Borough Do the Right Thing and Protect All Its Citizens?
(Philadelphia) — Tonight Jenkintown Borough in Montgomery County will be deciding whether to advertise an ordinance which would create a local human relations commission and include the words “sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.” Homosexual activists have been very busy in southeastern PA since last year pushing the victim card and claiming they are losing their jobs and being thrown out of their homes simply because they are homosexual — although they have yet to produce any current valid examples. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group , has contacted each member of the Council Board and asked them some specific questions.
“This small suburban town which covers less than a square mile in area with a population of approximately 4,500 has been asked to discriminate against its own residents who hold deep religious beliefs that homosexuality is wrong. If they vote to advertise and eventually pass the ordinance, it will simply be another feather in the cap of homosexual activists who are trying to put pressure on the state legislature to add ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ to the PA Human Relations Act,” noted Diane Gramley, President of the AFA of PA.
In the email communication with Council Member, the AFA of PA simply asked them a few pointed questions. These need to be answered before any such ordinance is passed. The AFA of PA asked Borough Council the following questions:
- If this ordinance passes, is the borough prepared to hurt its own small businesses?
- Is the borough prepared to forbid the Boy Scouts from using Borough parks?
- Is the Borough prepared to allow men who think they are women in the women’s restroom?
- Do you have a Y or public pool in the borough? If so, are you prepared to allow men in the women’s locker and shower facilities in these public accommodations?
- Is the Borough prepared to discriminate against its own residents and business owners who have strong religious beliefs that engaging in homosexual sex is wrong?
“We also noted that the passage of this ordinance will not help, but will harm Jenkintown Borough. Of those questions, we simply told the Council members that their vote would reveal just how they answered each of the questions. Homosexual activists are claiming this is simply an continuation of the fight for civil rights that African Americans led back in the 50’s and 60’s. However, homosexuals have never been forced to sit at the back of the bus, drink from separate water fountains, nor prevented from voting simply because of their professed sexual orientation. Their cry of discrimination is greatly exaggerated,” Gramley concluded.
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