News Release
For Immediate Release: May 3, 2012
Contact: Diane Gramley 1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355
Why is Campbell’s Soup Sponsoring This Event?
(Philadelphia) — The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) has contacted the Campbell’s Soup Company asking why they are sponsoring this week’s Equality Forum which promotes so-called same-sex marriage, adoption by homosexuals, homosexuality education to innocent young children in our schools and forcing our military to accept same-sex ‘marriage’ and transgenders in the ranks.
“The majority of American families who buy Campbell’s products do not want them promoting, through sponsorship dollars or any other way, the redefinition of marriage, the adoption of children by homosexuals, nor the normalization of homosexuality in our nation’s schools and military. Campbell’s tries to portray itself as family-friendly, but has tainted its clean-cut image by this sponsorship,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.
The AFA of PA’s message to Campbell’s outlines our concerns:
“The American Family Association of Pennsylvania, a statewide traditional values group, is appalled that Philadelphia’s Equality Forum lists your company as a sponsor of this year’s homosexual event.
Campbell’s Soup offers many fine products, but this blatant promotion of homosexuality is unacceptable. Your sponsorship of this event will help pay for panel discussions on so-called same-sex marriage, adoption by homosexuals, promoting homosexuality to innocent young children in our schools and forcing our military to accept same-sex ‘marriage’ and transgenders in the ranks.
Additionally, there will also be a panel discussing how many churches and Christians supposedly misinterpret the Bible when it comes to the issue of homosexuality.
We are asking that you remain neutral in the culture wars.”
“A company’s image is critical for its continued success — something of which Campbell’s new CEO, Denise Morrison, may need to be reminded. Families need to be able to trust a company they do business with — to know that very same company is not doing something behind the scenes to undermine the very families that keep them in business. We are simply asking Campbell’s to remove itself from the culture war that is taking place in this country,” Gramley concluded.
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