December 14, 2012


Americans United Attacks Kansas Governor


As United States Senator, Sam Brownback defended faith, marriage, family and life.  He is now the Governor of Kansas and has done a great job . . . and atheists don’t like him for his outspoken faith!  Americans United for Separation of Church and State has specifically said he needs to “repent” for violating the separation of church and state in his promotion of a prayer event held by ReignDown USA  this past Saturday.  But in their eyes, the most “horrifying” action by Governor Brownback was when he issued a proclamation declaring Saturday a “Day of Restoration.”

“We collectively repent of distancing ourselves from God and ask for His mercy on us,” the proclamation said.

In the proclamation he quoted Founding Fathers who also recognized the need to keep our eyes on God and the truth of His Word, if America is to prosper and remain that “shining city on a hill.”

Action Steps

Contact Kansas Governor Sam Brownback and thank him for not being afraid to be politically incorrect in today’s world.  Thank him for being a Christian politician who is not afraid to take a stand for Christ and for maintaining his witness even under pressure.

Click here for the form on the Kansas website. ( Use the “Other” option under “Issue Topic”)